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Strategy Pattern

Strategy behavioral design pattern enables an algorithm’s behavior to be selected at runtime.

It defines algorithms, encapsulates them, and uses them interchangeably.


Implementation of an interchangeable operator object that operates on integers.

type Operator interface {
	Apply(int, int) int

type Operation struct {
	Operator Operator

func (o *Operation) Operate(leftValue, rightValue int) int {
	return o.Operator.Apply(leftValue, rightValue)


Addition Operator

type Addition struct{}

func (Addition) Apply(lval, rval int) int {
	return lval + rval
add := Operation{Addition{}}
add.Operate(3, 5) // 8

Multiplication Operator

type Multiplication struct{}

func (Multiplication) Apply(lval, rval int) int {
	return lval * rval
mult := Operation{Multiplication{}}

mult.Operate(3, 5) // 15

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